Abraham List Class 11
Content & Assignment
: Pie Chartingby Connee Chandler
This lesson is based on Abraham's comment regarding learning to evaluate your current vibration. Abraham said, "at any time, the tone you are sending out to the Universe, can be pictured as a pie chart (a graphic showing percentages) composed of a combination of three emotions: guilt, blame or appreciation." They suggest stopping in any moment, and asking yourself what percentage of your thought on this subject is blame, guilt or appreciation. Then, once you are aware of where you are currently vibrating, your only job is to make appreciation an ever larger piece of the pie!
Create your pie chart by making a series of statements about your life in general, or about a particular area of your life. Classify each statement as blame, guilt or appreciation. For example, if you were talking about your relationship with your family, you could classify the statement, "I was abused as a child," as blame. You could call, "I know I should see my mother more often," guilt. "I came from the world's greatest family" is obviously appreciation, but so is "I can see that my parents did an amazing job of treating me better than they were treated as children." The latter might be the statement of a person who has already worked through a lot of issues on being abused as a child.
I have discovered, in working with my clients and friends, that it is possible to simply look at two categories, statements that feel good vs. statements that feel bad, instead of three. This allows you to avoid trying to separate Blame vs. Guilt, which requires that you spend time examining in detail your negative thoughts. I see this as desirable, because, by Law of Attraction, time spent focused on the negative creates more negative. The two categories, Feels Good and Feels Bad, show you clearly what part of your thinking is taking you in the direction you are wanting to go, and what part needs more attention.
Remember, first you identify those statements which make you feel bad, whether the emotion raised is anger, guilt, fear, sadness, blame. Then, your ONLY job is to find a statement on the subject that makes you feel a little better. If this is a really tough core issue for you, you may not be able to find a statement that immediately feels great. But if you work at it, you can always find a statement that feels a little better. And the cumulative effect of many statements that feel better is a definite rise in your vibration.
The focus wheel is an exercise that Abraham developed that cumulates more general statements on a subject that make you feel better into a powerful tool for raising your vibration. Statements that are too specific don't feel good. So, if you are working on prosperity, and you say something like, "I want an additional $500 by tomorrow," it might feel bad, because that makes you feel like you need to know how to get it. But if you say, "I can see in my life that I have always been supported in every circumstance, no matter how dire," that might make you feel better. (Refer back to the lesson on focus wheels if you arenot clear on how to do one! That was lesson 5.)
Ultimately, working through the pie chart/focus wheel exercise not only teaches you how to uplift your vibration, but it also helps to teach you to listen to your internal guidance system. Learning to notice which thoughts and statements you make feel good vs. feel bad, is to learn to use the messages from your Inner Being as to which way to move forward in your life to create all the love, peace, joy, prosperity and health you have ever wanted!
You can pie chart any situation in your life. Here's an assessment tool to help you focus in on where you might want to do some work:
Please make at least one statement about each of the following areas of your life today. Feel free to use an additional sheet of paper to expand on your comments in areas that are important to you.
1. General Mood: (e.g. I feel great most of the time. I've been feeling out of sorts lately. I always feel down in the winter, etc.)
2. My Health and Fitness: (e.g. I'm in great shape and I love my body. I feel OK most of the time. I have a chronic health problem, etc.)
3. My Friends: (e.g. I have the most amazing group of friends and I love them all. I feel lonely much of the time. I wish I had a good friend to talk to in my life.)
4. My Job or Career or Life Work (e.g. I adore my job where I feel well rewarded. I'm unemployed. I wish I could find something that suits me better.)
5. Money: (e.g. I am independently wealthy. I know God is my Source. There has always been enough for me. I'm in a lot of debt.)
6. My Self Esteem: (e.g. My life is divine expression. I'm OK, I guess. I feel like I am never quite enough.)
7. My Family: (e.g. I have the world's most wonderful, loving family. I find it hard to get along with my sister. I haven't seen any members of my family in 20 years. I have no family.)
8. My Significant Other: (e.g. I am happily married to a wonderful person. I am experiencing some difficulty in my relationship. I am happily single. I hope I never have another relationship again!)
9. My Creativity: (e.g. I am an artist and I love the playfulness of my art. I find creative outlet in my hobbies. I haven't felt creative in a long time.)
10. Other area not covered that is important to you: (e.g. I live to travel. My cat is my closest companion. Sometimes it seems like nothing really matters to me.)
Whether you have chosen something that just came to you, or something from the assessment listing, now just sit down and free associate. It works well to do it with a friend, so you can say lots of statements that relate to that subject, and your friend can write them down and classify them for you as feels good/feels bad. You will need to help,. because your friend is not the same vibration as you are, and what feels good and bad to you will be different than his/her feelings about your statements. But it may interrupt your flow less than writing and classifying yourself.
Once you have the pie chart done, and can see the statements on each side, feels good/feels bad, then ask yourself this important question. "Do I want to live out the results of this percentage pie chart?" I find that a very motivating question, because if I've taken the trouble to pie chart something, I usually DON'T want to live with that negative vibration.
Then do a focus wheel on that subject, looking for things that feel good. See the lesson on focus wheels (number 5) if you don't know how to do that process.