Abraham List Class 2
Content & Assignment: Segment Intending & Pivoting
compiled by Connee Chandler
Theme quote for this week:
"When your thought is in sync with that which comes forth from within, doors will open -- and everything that is action-oriented will be smooth-flowing and easy for you." Abraham-Hicks calendar, page 381
Segment Intending and Pivoting go in one class because they are the backbone processes to help you take charge of what you are thinking. Here's how the Abraham-Hicks calendar, page 381, defines pivoting:
"Pivot -- To consciously change the direction of one's thought. To deliberately choose a thought that is in vibrational harmony with one's desire."
In order to understand the importance of pivoting when we have a negative thought (other than that it just FEELS BETTER,) it helps to explore what Abraham has taught about our guidance system.
Guidance System and Pivoting
Abe teaches that negative thoughts generate negative emotions. Any negative emotion is a message from your Inner Being that you are thinking a negative thought. When you are thinking a negative thought, it is starting the ball rolling toward a negative outcome in your life. Your Inner Being uses the negative emotion to signal you that it is time to change the thought you are thinking.
It is much easier to monitor your emotions than it is to monitor your thoughts. We have way too many thoughts, and many of them are so habitual, it is hard for us to even catch them on the way through. It just feels normal to think negatively, we have been doing it for so long. And I am motivated to change the thoughts by knowing it will make me feel better rather than worse.
In order to lessen negative emotion in our lives, we first learn to find the thoughts that are causing the fear, anger or frustration and get better at changing the thoughts, so the thoughts come up less and less often and you feel good more and more often. This is the crux of pivoting.
John McCurdy (a wonderful metaphysical teacher on the Abraham List) came up with a saying that really jelled the concept for me - "If I am feeling negative emotion, I am thinking something that isn't true. Period."
If you have followed negative thoughts into a really bad place, so you are deep into pain, it is hard to pivot. At that point, Abe says it is best to just go to sleep, see a movie, read a book, swim, walk, fantasize about sex or distract yourself in some way so that you get back to your feel good state.
Then from that feel good state, when you have the first twinge of negative emotion, now, THAT is the time to jump on it, and really notice the thought that is playing at the moment. It is a thought that your IB is checking right out of your experience on. That particular thought isn't TRUE in the cosmic sense of the word, though it may be fact in your current context. If you think, "I am not enough," or "I can't trust myself," then your IB is out of there!
The moment your Inner Being stops flowing through you, you feel negative emotion. You stop, notice you are feeling bad, and look for the thought that caused the emotion. You notice it is a habitual thought of "I am not enough." You say to yourself, "Well, John McCurdy says this negative emotion means this thought isn't true. What is the truth about me? What do I want to believe about myself? I want to believe that I am enough. I want to know that I am wonderful, in fact."
If you feel better with what you said to yourself, your pivot is successful. Feeling a sense of relief is a clear sign of a neatly executed pivot! Abraham says that we never go back to the original vibration on that subject, after we pivot on it even once. It may reoccur often for awhile, but it will be easier to recognize and shift each time.
It is not your past that is causing your pain, it is your thoughts about the past that cause you pain. And the pain is not just the consequence of the thought, it is the absence of your Inner Being. That is what is intolerable.
It is good that it is intolerable. Otherwise, we would continue to dwell in the negative space that causes us to miscreate in our lives. The pain of our IB withdrawing from us is the guidance system that tells us when we are doing a good job with our thoughts, and when we are wildly off track.
Abraham often makes the comparison of pulling your hand away quickly when you touch a hot stove. Would you want to make your hand numb, so you can rest it there while your flesh is burned and destroyed? NO! You want your hand to become even more sensitive, so that you feel the heat from right above the stove, so you never even have to put your hand directly on it to know it isn't good for you.
That's what we are striving to do. To use the negative emotion as a signal that what we are thinking is too hot to handle! That there is a cooler, more comfortable truth lying at a higher, faster frequency than the "truth" we have decided to focus on in the moment. I just got an image of being in a scorching desert at midday, vs. high up on a mountain side where the view is sublime and the air is cool and clear. Pivoting is moving in the second it takes to change a thought from being scorched to feeling refreshed.
Segment Intending
Segment intending is dividing your day into recognizable intervals and consciously setting different intentions for each segment. For example, when you first wake up in the morning, you are in the "awake but still in bed segment." Then you might move into the "preparing for the day segment which includes showering, dressing, making breakfast." Then it might be the "commute to work" segment. And then the "day at work" segment. Even within your work day, you have different segments - "meeting with a committee," "talking to customers on the phone," "having lunch with your friends."
Each segment has a purpose, and you can state your intentions briefly at the beginning of each segment. For example, for sleeping at night, you might set your intention to re-emerge into nonphysical energy of your core, have your body be relaxed, refreshed and restored, have wonderful dreams, and be more and more aware of your Inner Being's messages to you through your dreams. These are different intentions than your commute to work, which you might prefer to be safe, fun, quick, efficient, easy and uplifting.
As you start segment intending, you discover that the segments start conforming to your new intentions. Sometimes it takes a few conscious intentions to overcome the inertia of years of complaining about commuting, but your experience begins to shift in the direction you are wanting. As you do it, look for evidence that a shift is occurring, and celebrate even the smallest, more on target event.
When you start getting good at segment intending, pivoting becomes less necessary. But even when you segment intend, sometimes you notice something in the environment that is not part of your intention, and by focusing on it, you can create negative emotion, whether it be fear or anger or frustration. That's when you want to remember to pivot and reaffirm your positive intention.
Here's what the Abraham-Hicks calendar, page 379, says about segment intending:
"All is well with you. There is not something that you should be doing that you are not doing. You don`t have any ground to make up for. You have not been lying around not doing your work. You are in the perfect place. And we see this as a sort of turning point where the majority of that which you will attract from this point forward will be more in harmony with your wanting.
Make more decisions in every day. More decisions about what you want. And let your first and foremost -- and most often -- decision be, "I want to feel good." Because unless you are in the place of feeling good, unless you are in that place of full connectedness, you don`t have much of value to give to anyone else.
"I want to feel good! I really, really want to feel good! Therefore, I will look for reasons to feel good.
When you get into your automobile, make your statement of intent: "I am wanting to travel safely this distance. I am wanting to be very efficient. I am wanting to have a pleasant drive. I am wanting to be very clear. I am wanting to have a happy heart as I drive..."
As you make those sorts of statements, you set your own vibrational tone so that anything that is around you that is not in harmony with that, simply cannot be where you are.
When you emerge into the day, let your vibration be the dominant one. Your vibration of joy, your vibration of growth, your vibration of freedom, your vibration of love, your vibration of all is well. And anybody that is out there vibrating in discord with that -- will vibrate someplace else.
You will begin to see a dramatic difference in the way others are responding to you. Some of them will find reasons to go someplace else. Others, that you do not know, that will satisfy intentions that are deep and powerful within you, will begin gravitating into your experience.
Assignment: Segment Intending & Pivoting
Identify recurring segments in your particular day, and then pick one. Write a clear segment intention for that part of your day, and share it with the Abraham List if you would like an audience for your work.